Dark souls 2 rage quit
Dark souls 2 rage quit

dark souls 2 rage quit

I don't know what it was about that moment, but with my interest in the game already waning, I just had to stop playing. In the game's mines, I wandered around for what felt like ten minutes, until a zombie man grabbed my character out of nowhere and he died. The most recent example I can think of is ponderous first-person game The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, which I didn't enjoy any part of apart from how nice the world looks and sounds. This is more of an existential despair quit than a rage quit, then. Stupid random rule! After that, I calmed down a bit, and have tried to limit the amount of hardware I throw or break.

dark souls 2 rage quit

And as a younger man, for a terrible non-PC example, I even broke a friend's PSone because I lost my Ifrit card in Final Fantasy VIII's Triple Triad mode. Where to start with my history of rage quitting? I uninstalled Rocket League at least four times in a tantrum last year, which is embarrassing for a man in his late 20s. Samuel Roberts: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Steam tells me I've played the game for 142 hours, without beating it. Yeah, I could have looked up the console command for God Mode, but the sad thing is, I don't have a desire to go back. I rage quit Fallout 4, and other than benchmarking, I stopped playing.

dark souls 2 rage quit

I was angry-angry at the game, angry at myself, and angry at the world. The entire building had taken a while to clear out, and my previous save was from a couple hours earlier. I reloaded my last save, which was right as I exited the building, and promptly died again. My sliver of health was gone in a second. I ran to the exit, and on appearing outside there was a group of raiders waiting for me. I fell victim to this in Fallout 4, where I was in a battle inside a building and was nearly dead. You can get comfortable not worrying about saves, but occasionally you go a long time in a game without triggering an auto-save, and/or you rely too much on quick save. Flash forward to the modern era and we have a different problem: people relying too much on either auto-saves or quick saves. You failed to do so at your own peril, which naturally everyone did at some point or another. The mantra in the 80s and 90s was "Save early, save often," coined by Sierra On-Line. But irrationality is the very essence of a good rage quit. My time with Dark Souls was over at that moment, even though I knew I was being an irrational baby. I know there's a fairly easy way to cure this, but I was overcome with blind fury and switched the game off in a sudden rage.

dark souls 2 rage quit

And almost as soon as I stepped into the stinking Depths, one of them cursed me, reducing the size of my health bar.


A dank, unpleasant sewer full of giant frog bastards called basilisks. And it worked.įull of adrenaline, I immediately dashed to the next area of the game, the Depths. Side note: the music in that boss fight was stressing me out so much I had to put Kenny Loggins on in a mad attempt to make ol' Capra seem less threatening. A minor achievement, sure, but a massive one for me. But I persevered with the original Dark Souls, getting as far as beating the Capra Demon. Any game that involves repeating something over and over again to get good at it really turns me off. And not because they're difficult it's because I have no patience. I finished the third game, and I'm not quite sure how I managed it, but the first two? Not for me.

Dark souls 2 rage quit